5G network and the job market in IT
How will the launching of a new standard of mobile network impact employment in the IT sector, and how will 5G contribute to technological progress?
How will the launching of a new standard of mobile network impact employment in the IT sector, and how will 5G contribute to technological progress?
Robots and artificial intelligence play an increasingly bigger role at all stages of production, which leads to changes in the entire labour market.
What has the biggest impact on the financial sector at present is not politics, law, or globalisation, but rather new technologies, which change the way of handling money.
HR experts need to change their ways of communicating with candidates and staff to be able to effectively reach top talents.
5G network, yet another generation of mobile telecommunication, is gaining momentum, although it has not been launched yet. How it will impact marketing, which we know?
Since we spend more and more in e-shops, traditional shopping centres need to offer their customers a bit more than just shopping.