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Wynagrodzenia w 2025 roku
We are looking for an experienced manager who will strengthen, organize, and define the direction for development within HR structures. Candidates with a strong HR and payroll background, as well as a passion for people development and tackling challenges in the realm of soft HR, are encouraged to apply.
Hired candidate will be responsible for supporting production part of the business by coaching, developing, and guiding respective Department Managers.
We're looking for an experienced HR professional to manage recruitment, oversee onboarding, and support employee relations. Experience in recruitment and HR within HORECA background - Hotel, Restaurant, and Café/Catering areas.
Naszym Klientem jest firma z kapitałem zachodnim, posiadająca kilka zakładów produkcyjnych na terenie Polski południowo-zachodniej, łącznie zatrudniająca około 300-500 pracowników. Stanowisko HR Manager / HR Business Partner jest nowe w strukturze firmy, a jego celem będzie ujednolicanie standardów między zakładami, wdrożanie procesów i praktyk HR, które umożliwią organizacji rozwój zgodny ze strategią biznesową firmy.
HR Manager będzie odpowiedzialny za zarządzanie polityką personalną firmy oraz zapewnienie zgodności procesów HR z przepisami prawa i standardami korporacyjnymi. Kluczowym zadaniem na tym stanowisku będzie strategiczne wspieranie biznesu poprzez efektywne zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi.
We currently looking for the experienced and "hands-on" candidate for Head of HR position who will be reporting directly to Group HR. This role is a very unique opportunity to work at a senior level and have a direct effect on the success of a growing business. With increased capacity the business is looking to significantly grow over the coming years and this role will form a key component of this growth story.
The People &Culture Manager will be responsible for overseeing and managing the entire portfolio of personal and cultural administration processes.
Are you an experienced accounting professional looking to grow in an international environment? Do you want to take on a role that combines both local and regional responsibilities? Join our client - a global company in the household appliances sector - as an Accounting Manager.
The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer / Technical Support Specialist will play a key role in launching and supporting omnichannel projects in LATAM and MENAThe Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer / Technical Support Specialist will play a key role in launching and supporting omnichannel projects in LATAM and MENA.
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